Spinning Feet In and Out in Standing--Hip Internal Rotation Email 64
This is easiest in socks on slick floor like vinyl tile or hardwood floor and harder on the carpet or in shoes. The sole of the shoe...
Hip Internal Rotation Standing
This is an effective way to work on internal rotation strengthening in standing. Kids tend to like it. Watch to make sure the movement is...
Internally Rotated Gait? Spastic muscles are WEAK muscles! Strengthen Internal Rotators!
Kicking to the Side with Internal Rotation in Sitting: Knocking things over is always a good idea with children. Make sure you stabilize...
Windswept? Internally Rotated Gait? Cavalry to the Rescue!
This is one of the easier external rotation exercises. When my client needs the visual feedback, I position her so she can see herself by...
Strengthening Hip Internal Rotators
Kicking a Rolled ball in Vault: Add a ball in and most activities are more fun.I roll the ball, and the client kicks it back.This is...