Airplanes with Hip and Trunk Support
I have to admit, I usually perform this activity with a smaller child…but this was the model I had. Here I am providing hip and trunk...
Adduction Hook Lying with a Squeak Toy
I have several squeak toys of different sizes. Different ones require harder or softer squeezes to squeak as well. I use the auditory...
Abdominals: Small Bench Sit ups with Arms Straight
I often have to help a child in the initial parts of this range, and then she can do it independently. I always stabilize the legs so the...
Emphasis on Plantarflexors with Squat to Stand
Squat to stand works hip extensors, quadriceps and plantarflexors concentrically on the way up and eccentrically on the way down.I’ve...
Neck Flexion Strengthening in Sunbather's Position
In these pictures I am allowing my handsome model to put his hand on the floor.This exercise is easier from a neck flexion perspective...
Abduction Side Lying with Knee Flexion
This is a hard exercise. It takes a very cooperative and/or motivated client (preferably both) to perform this accurately.Sometimes I do...