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Hang in There for Stronger Knee Flexors

I don’t know a child who dislikes this activity. I am always amazed at how hard it is for many children to pull in their knee flexors to be able to squeeze the bolster. Once I get a child on the bolster swing, I swing it gently or wildly according to what I think the child can tolerate. I love singing “Engine Engine Number 9” as I swing the bolster swing, and ask my client to stay on through to the end of the song. Most any childhood game song will do. Sometimes I sing "Cinderella Dressed in Yellow" or "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear" or even "Amy and Guy Sitting in a Tree." I particularly like the ones used with jump rope games. In the picture, I have the bolster swing hooked up to one attachment point. I prefer to do this activity with the swing set up at 2 connection points. I set it up with one connection point for the ease of the photo. If the child needs more help, I like to ride on the bolster swing as well, if there is room, just below the child’s feet. If I am riding on the bolster swing too, it is easy for me to physically assist the child to hold on with his legs. If kids don’t hold on with their legs, they get thrown off the swing or start rolling off to the side quickly. Be careful with the height of the swing. Most kids fall off. I want the height above a cushioned mat to be safe for a tumble.

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