Crouched Gait? Here's an Oldie but a Goodie Revamped with a Kid Twist
This is a classic quad strengthening exercise …and one that I don’t typically do.I have plenty of children who need terminal knee extension.I think I strongly prefer closed chain exercises.When I do this exercise, I try to find something that makes a sound when pressed to go under the knees.I usually use dog toys. I have some that squeak easily and some that are quite hard to squeak.The louder the noise is, the better the reward. I also may just put my hand under the child’s knee and push up against them to make this more challenging.I make it a competition saying I can make them bend their knee.I get to try until I count to 10 … My kids ALWAYS love beating me.This is a classic quad strengthening exercise …and one that I don’t typically do.I have plenty of children who need terminal knee extension.I think I strongly prefer closed chain exercises.When I do this exercise, I try to find something that makes a sound when pressed to go under the knees.I usually use dog toys. I have some that squeak easily and some that are quite hard to squeak.The louder the noise is, the better the reward. I also may just put my hand under the child’s knee and push up against them to make this more challenging.I make it a competition saying I can make them bend their knee.I get to try until I count to 10 … My kids ALWAYS love beating me.