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How to Strengthen Abdominals

I do a lot of bench sit ups. I like the bench because there is no obvious place to roll to the side and push up from...but kids still try…so that is why I have them hold onto something with 2 hands. It can be hard to train a child to keep 2 hands on an object. Often a child wants to let go with 1 hand. I may have to help the child place “1,” “2 hands holding” and then keep my hands on the child’s hands. If this is still really hard then, I may switch to a bigger object that can’t be carried with one hand like a playground ball. Sitting up to slam dunk a playground ball in a conveniently placed basketball goal at face level is usually popular. I often have to help a child in the initial parts of this range, and then he can do it independently. I always stabilize the legs knowing that hip flexors are helping out. If a child can follow directions of keeping arms up like superman....but still can't get up, I'll often help by pulling the child's shirt from the middle of his chest. Again, usually I only have to help at the beginning of the range. Then the child can finish the movement. You have to be careful with some kids. They arch backward with neck extension in their attempts to sit up by pushing against you, if you support under their head. If this is the case, help at upper back but not behind the head. I often have to coach children who are having trouble to start the sit up with a chin tuck. If a child is having trouble with this, I'll work on a chin tuck ...often on an inclined wedge to make it easier for a child to learn.

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